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Water consume before & After workout

  Water Should You Consume Before, During & After A 🏋️‍♀️ Workout 🏋️‍♂️  Water is an indispensable part of our daily diet. It makes up about 70% of our total body weight. It is also a component that is very easily taken for granted. Staying well hydrated is one of our body’s basic needs. Thirst is a late indicator of dehydration. When thirsty, our body is already dehydrated at a cellular level. The color of the urine can also determine our hydration status. Dark yellow urine indicates dehydration whereas clear urine indicates a well hydrated body. Along with the diet, we must also pay attention to what and how much water we drink, especially before, during and after a workout. Why Is Water Intake Important?  1. Pre-Workout Water Intake If we start our workout in a dehydrated state, it will adversely affect our performance. We would feel low on energy, stiff muscles and also get cramps easily. That is essentially because water forms a major part of