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Exercising Outdoors

Should You Wear A Mask While Exercising 🏋🏻 If you ever ventured out with a face mask on a normal day, you’d probably get strange looks from people but within the paradigm of the new normal, it has become commonplace and mandatory for everyone to wear a mask. As the lockdown is being slowly lifted and people are beginning to slowly get back to their outdoor workout routines, does it make sense to wear a mask while exercising outdoors?  Should You Wear A Mask While Exercising Outdoors ?  Wearing a face mask while exercising outdoors helps prevent the spread of the virus, but it can also lead to breathing difficulties. When you are running, jogging, doing any activity which increases your respiratory rate, the oxygen requirement goes up several times and you need to inhale that much more air to deliver the required oxygen to the body.  A mask can restrict airflow in and out of the mouth and nose, creating a situation where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange are

5 Tips To Maintain A Healthy Gut This Monsoon

5 Tips To Maintain A Healthy Gut This Monsoon The fresh, dewy weather, the chirping birds and the amazing smell of wet mud! The rainy season has its own charm but along with it, it also brings a host of diseases and infections. One such being a compromised Gut! The symptoms of a compromised gut may include an upset stomach, acidity, bloatedness, flatulence, gas, etc. making it crucial to maintain a healthy gut during this season. How Can You Maintain A Healthy Gut?  Here are 5 simple yet effective ways in which you can maintain a healthy gut:  Adding Ginger/Garlic : These are the most commonly used herbs in our households and they provide us with an array of benefits. Raw Ginger/Garlic acts as a Prebiotic (food) for friendly gut bacteria, thereby improving gut health. Gingerol and Allicin present in them respectively, are found to have antibacterial and antifungal properties which keep infections at bay. Adding fresh herbs to your food/soups or drinking a warm cup of

11 Unhealthy Habits

11 Unhealthy Habits That Are Destroying Your Health🤩🤙🏻 Old habits die hard and that’s true. Habits are stored in our subconscious mind. We keep on carrying out tasks or habits, without even realizing we are doing it. While some habits help us complete day to day activities, there are some which aren’t good for our health, especially the ones which affect our diet. It is crucial to follow habits which have a positive impact on health. It is time to identify unhealthy habits and get rid of them for good health’s sake. Unhealthy Habits You Need to Stop  Skipping Breakfast : For some people, skipping breakfast is an easy way to cut calories. However, if you skip breakfast, you’ll probably overeat during lunch. Secondly, in the morning, our metabolic rate is high. To maintain it, we need to give enough fuel to our body in the form of breakfast. So you should not skip your morning meal at any cost.      Emotional Eating : If you are stressed or if you’ve had a bad day,

Manage Working From Home

🌟🤗Effective Ways To Manage Working From Home It has been well over 3 months now that people have been working from home because of the lockdown and to ensure safety from the COVID-19 pandemic. It won’t come as a surprise if working from home becomes the norm in a post-COVID world. While there are some people who have adapted to this lifestyle, there are others who are possibly struggling with the work from home model due to several reasons not limited to lack of communication, stress, work-life balance being disrupted and so on. As the lockdown may continue, it is a fact that this process of working from home has turned everyone’s routine upside down.  Changes Due To Working From Home🌟 A lot many people are unable to meet their work deadlines which are impacting their overall performance level Because of the entirely new set up, a lot of people are getting stressed as this is beyond their comfort zone A majority of the population has become too lazy to work

Positive Lifestyle Change

Is This The Best Time To Make A Positive Lifestyle Change? There are a number of people who motivate themselves to make positive lifestyle changes to eat better, exercise more, practise yoga and sleep adequately. They have tried before, probably declaring another attempt as a New Year’s resolution. After working hard for a week or two that resolution was found resting in the corner due to lack of time, energy and motivation. Making a lifestyle change is challenging especially when you want to make so many changes at a time. It takes time and requires your full commitment and dedication once you are ready to make a change. Some Tips To Make A Positive Lifestyle Change Make a plan  you think you can stick to Start small Choose one behaviour change at a time Make some friends with the same goal Ask for expert support As we are all in lockdown, it’s a good break from our fast-paced life. We were complaining about  not getting enough  time to work out, to  eat healthy

Boost Immunity

3 Best Vitamins To  Boost Immunity The food you eat determines your overall health and immunity. Immunity being our body’s first line of defense is much more needed now than ever. While a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle is the need of the hour, few nutrients play a very special role when it comes to boosting our immunity. Among different nutrients, today we will discuss the most potent vitamins to boost immunity. Essential Vitamins To Boost Immunity  1. Vitamin C  Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is water-soluble. It helps kick start the action of our immune system by encouraging the production of lymphocytes & phagocytes, thus, helping the body protect itself from infections. The body cannot store this vitamin and being water-soluble, it’s easily lost through bodily fluids. Hence, it is important to consume foods rich in Vitamin C on a daily basis. Being heat sensitive, this vitamin is destroyed on heating, so it is better to get it from raw foods.

6 Indoor Exercises For a Rainy Day

6 Indoor Exercises For a Rainy Day ! With the weather being unpredictable, stepping outdoors to get a good workout or a run might be practically impossible, especially if you’re not a fan of running in the rain. Don’t be disappointed! Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Don’t skip your workout routine just because the weather isn’t in your favour. Here are some indoor exercises you can perform from the convenience of your home. Here are 6 indoor exercises that work quite well to not only burn extra calories but also help in toning and shaping your muscles! 1. Stationary Sprinter A Great Cardio exercise(very similar to high knee jogging) to up the heart rate and burn calories.All you need to do is just stand in one place and fast jog for 60 seconds at a stretch. Do 3 sets of 60 secs each! 2. Superman Pose A simple exercise that works fantastically on the core, lower back and Glute muscles Begin with lying in the prone position, with your arms stretched, raise your